December 11, 2024

by Aaron Garinger



Chapter 168 members traveled to McKinney on Saturday, Nov 11th at Aero Country Airport (T31) to visit Wes Huff and his Xenos Motorglider project. The day was perfect weather and outstanding for seeing a nice project, a wonderful hangar and great hosts.

Wes and his wife Tammy were excellent hosts for the day and the chapter applauds their large effort to put this type of project visit on. Project visits give the host “motivation” to complete desired build steps, clean up the workshop and step back to take account for where the project is in its journey.





The build organization Wes had was impressive. Each subassembly had its place with ample room to work at each station. The build plans were detailed and his completion tracking chart hanging on the wall was very well organized. The hangar was equally impressive with enough room to put several projects, completed airplanes and other toys.

The kit looked very far along with wings looking almost complete with control surfaces on the tables complete also. The wingspan was impressive, even without the composite wingtips attached yet. It’s a good thing Wes’s hangar door is very wide so the Xenos can exit or park! The fuselage was also very far along with a cool and interesting tail assembly. The Y tail makes the airframe stand out, with the “ruddervators” being supplemented by a small rudder hinged to the rear of the fuselage – very slick looking.



The lunch was tasty and very appreciated as well as provided a chance for chapter member visiting and talking airplanes. There were even a couple of T-6 sightings, who are based at the field, out participating in Veterans Day events. We all look forward to seeing Wes soaring in the Xenos bird someday.