Thanks for visiting Chapter 168 in Dallas, Texas
We are an association of people in the Dallas area who have a broad interest in aviation, including factory certified and home-built aircraft. Many of our members have built and fly their own aircraft. Chapter 168 is very active and plans several events each month for our members. Our monthly chapter meetings, generally held on the first Tuesday of each month, feature an aviation speaker. Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome guests. Please check the event calendar below for the next meeting time, date and topic. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, December 9 – 6:00pm. Board Meeting.
- Tuesday, January 7 – 7:00pm. Chapter Meeting. Our speaker in January will be our own Rod Blake, who will discuss the federal investigation of TWA 800.
- Monday, January 13 – 6:00pm. Board Meeting.
Please refer to the newsletter for other events.
EAA Chapter Videos
View previous Chapter Videos at the Chapters Channel of the EAA video page.