November 12, 2024

Join or Renew

Membership Requirements and Benefits:

EAA Chapter 168 has two membership types: Regular and Student. A Regular member pays Chapter dues and is a Member in good standing of EAA. A Student member is exempt from Chapter dues and is a Student Member in good standing of EAA. Chapter Regular membership dues are $20.00 per year. Regular Chapter membership is good for one year from when your funds are received by the Treasurer, or another Chapter Officer. Student Chapter membership is good for the remainder of the calendar year.

Regular Chapter members are entitled to vote and to hold office in the Chapter. Student Chapter members are not entitled to vote, or hold office in the Chapter. All prospective new Chapter Members must submit a membership application form, see below, to the Chapter Treasurer and any Chapter dues required must be submitted to the Treasurer, or another Chapter Officer. In addition, a prospective Student member must be nominated by a current Regular member and approved by the Board of Directors.

As a Member, you will receive twelve monthly Chapter newsletters, either hard copy, or an email with a link to an electronic copy. Members have access to the following resources:

  • Several EAA Technical Counselors (Mel Asberry is also an FAA DAR).
  • Two EAA Flight Advisors.
  • Ability to borrow Chapter Tools from the Tool Custodian.
  • A 50% discount on weight and balance measurements with the Chapter’s electronic scales and Technical Counselor that is suitable for Experimental Category Amateur Built aircraft.

To Join:

Using PayPal: Download the membership application PDF form below. Complete the PDF form, include your EAA membership number, and save the form. Email the completed PDF form to the Treasurer at Regular Members can pay the Chapter dues with the PayPal button below.

Using USPS mail: Download the membership application PDF form below. Complete the PDF form, include your EAA membership number, and print the form. Mail the completed form and a check (Regular memberships only) for $20.00 to the Treasurer at the address on the application.

In person: You can pay Chapter dues (cash or check) in person at a Chapter function. You can complete the membership application at that time.

To Renew:

Using PayPal: Pay the Chapter dues with the PayPal button below. If your membership information has changed, download the membership application PDF form below. Complete the PDF form with the updated information, and save the form. Email the updated PDF form to the Treasurer at

Using USPS mail: Either use the membership application in the newsletter, or download the membership application PDF form below. Complete the form with any updated information. Mail the completed form and a check (Regular memberships only) for $20.00 to the Treasurer at the address on the application.

In person: You can pay Chapter dues (cash or check) in person at a Chapter function. You can complete the membership information updates at that time.

EAA Chapter 168 Membership application PDF form