February 18, 2025

From Michael Stephan

Joe Migis first flew his RV-14A in January of 2022. Like many of us he flew it unpainted while working out the bugs and making modifications before taking it to the paint shop.

After discussing the expense of paint jobs lately, Joe mentioned that he was thinking about painting it himself. He showed me a design that he thought would look good and be easier to paint. It was a scheme that colors the fiberglass and polishing the rest. He was right. That scheme looks really good on the RV-14A and polish is a mirror shine.

This isn’t the fist time the plane showed up at Airventure. He was there last year with the raw version of N143R.


The instrument panel that Joe installed in N1436R is a dual Garmin G3X Touch EFIS with the Garmin Autopilot, Garmin GNX 375 Navigator/ADS-b Transponder, Garmin Com and Audio Panel and a Garmin G5 for redundant PFD or HSI. This allows for IFR flights in the RV-14A. N1436R panel is very clean and very capable. I think it will impresses the judges.